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A Community
of Learners

No matter where you are in your journey or what questions you have, we hope you can find a place to learn and grow in our community. 

All Sunday School Classes


Sundays | 9:45am

Our Searchers class meets in the Eastminster Room on the first floor and is a lecture-style class where we welcome special guests from the community including experts in the fields of academia and theology and non-profits. This class allows for ample time for questions and/or comments. Previous guest lecturers have been from Brite Divinity School, TCU, Texas Wesleyan, and other area learning centers.

A wide range of topics are presented from religion, politics and social justice issues. 

Trinity Class

SUNDAYS | 9:45 am

The in-depth adult Bible Study Class meets in the Northminster classroom above the Chapel at 9:45 a.m. This Bible Study is outstanding and attracts many adults looking for depth in their Biblical knowledge.

Most recently the Trinity Class has been  examining the Confessions, focusing on the Four Protestant Reformation confessions, the bridge between the Lutherans and the Scots. 

Visit our bi-weekly Sentinel (see homepage button at top) for updates on what Trinity is currently studying. 

Young Adult/Parent Fellowship


We invite parents and young adults seeking conversation or those needing a holy space to join us in the Northminster Room on Sundays during the children’s Sunday school class. This is a developing class; please check back for updates. We’ll have coffee, pastries and coffee. 

Bible Study


This intensive Bible Study meets every Wednesday at noon. This dedicated group chooses a book of the Bible and spends months on it, learning about the most recent scholarship, the lifestyle, archaeology and politics of the times in which it was written, what other sources of the period say about the same matters, and so forth. In the process, we find out the ways God is speaking to us today –individually, as a community, and in the modern world. It’s a fun and dynamic group, with lots of discussion and insight, and we love visitors, so please join us!

Email Anne to be added to this class:
[email protected]

Presbyterian Women

Presbyterian Women (PW) is a national organization of the Presbyterian Church that provides excellent Bible and spirituality resources and mission opportunities targeted to women. St. Stephen offers meetings at a variety of times to accommodate women in all walks of life. 

Meetings are generally on the second Tuesday of the month with the PW Council in the Eastminster Room at 10 a.m. The Morning Glories Circles follow at 10:30 a.m. also in the Eastminster room for Bible Study and light snacks. For more information about Presbyterian Women, please email us at [email protected].

Other Opportunities

The Knitting Guild

The Knitting Guild knits and crochets prayer shawls and lap blankets for those going through especially difficult times. They have given out many a shawl or blanket to dozens of recipients and intend to keep up this mission of caring for a long time! For more information, contact Tammy Hille at [email protected].

The Card Ministry

The Card Ministry is dedicated to sending every member of our St. Stephen family a birthday card on their special day. Each birthday card sent is handmade! The ministry gathers to create the cards first and third Tuesdays at 1:30 p.m. in the Eastminster Room. For more information, contact Cynthia Walker at [email protected].

Docent Tours

Docent tours of the sanctuary are offered the second Sunday of the month, or by appointment through the church office. Tours lasting a half hour begin in the crossing at noon, following the postlude of the 11 a.m. service. Summer tours are after the one service at 10 a.m.

4th Friday Bookclub

Held the fourth Friday of every month, this group explores thought-provoking books in a fun environment. A new book is selected at the beginning of each month, and the meeting is held on the fourth Friday, usually at noon at a local restaurant. 

Email Sharon LeMond for more information: [email protected]

Intro to Being Presbyterian

Offered once or twice a year, this class is ideal for those interested in learning more about the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. and St. Stephen’s history. Typically the classes run for about 6 weeks and cover such topics as:

• What it means to be a Christian and Presbyterian

• The essential tenets of our denomination, and

• Exciting aspects of being a member of St. Stephen.