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St. Stephen

No King But Caesar!

John 18:33-19:22 Before I begin to read from the Gospel of John and preach, I think it is appropriate to acknowledge that three days ago, leaders of the free world

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St. Stephen

Abiding for Fruitfulness

John 15:1-8 Last spring, when we had a lot of rain, I cut back on watering my lawn. But then, during the long hot, dry summer, I forgot to reset

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St. Stephen

Abiding in Love

I John 3:16-24 I have to say, I have had the best time being a part of this community; let me offer some examples. This past Thursday morning, about eight

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The Potential of a Congregation

Rev. Dr. Warner M. Bailey Psalm 73:1–20, 2 Corinthians 4:5–15, Matthew 9:35–10:4 During these summer months, I have explored with you what it means to be a pastor and what

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