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A Personal Journey, 2: The Bible and LGBT Issues

In 2011, the PCUSA officially ended its policy of excluding gays and lesbians from ordination. This was a long, hard-fought battle for many of us, but there was no time for celebration, because there were casualties. Our evangelical brethren and sistren have started leaving the church, claiming that the PCUSA had transgressed the bounds of Biblical morality. One of those leaving was a dear friend from seminary, a man I love as a brother, but who believes, as does his church, that the PCUSA had strayed from Scripture and traditional Christianity in a profound way.Read More »A Personal Journey, 2: The Bible and LGBT Issues

Big Tent?

Former PC(USA) moderator and prolific blogger Bruce Reyes-Chow has started a petition drive called “There is more than one version of Christianity!” His point is that there is a great deal of diversity the Christian family. Christians need to be more tolerant of one another and the media and culture need to recognize Christian diversity, too.Read More »Big Tent?


Several years ago a gay male couple came to St. Stephen with their son, seeking to have their son baptized. They shared that they’d had an unfortunate experience at the large Houston church they’d previously attended. Both had been deeply involved at the church for years. Both had taught Sunday school or served on important committees. It was known in the church that they were a couple, but they never felt ostracized until they went to the church’s leadership, the Session, and asked to baptize their son.Read More »Presbyterian?