The St. Stephen Choristers is a choir for children grades 4–8 that rehearses weekly and follows a training program using the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) curriculum. This rewarding program not only includes rehearsal of church music and basic music training, it also encourages leadership, achievement, and faith formation.
The RSCM training benefits the choristers musically and rewards the singers in their accomplishments. Upon completion of the first level of training, the chorister is awarded the white surplice to go over their cassock. Following that, medals and different colors of ribbons worn with their vestments will be a sign of their level of training and achievement.
Rehearsals are held each Wednesday evening during the academic year from 5:15–6:15 pm in the Choral Rehearsal Room (upper level of the Education Building).
If you’re interested in registering your child for choristers, email Organist & Director of Music Ministries Jordan Smith: