Director of Christian Education
Beth Buchanan Fultz, a native of Oklahoma City, is an Associate Certified Director of Christian Education at St. Stephen Presbyterian Church. She attended Baylor University and received a Bachelor of Science in Education. During her stay at Baylor, she proudly earned a scholarship to be an exchange student at Seinan Gaukuin University in Fukuoka, Japan. She lived and learned the Japanese culture for nine months before returning to Baylor to finish her degree.
It was during her final year at Baylor that she met Robert Fultz. They were married a year later and lived in Garland, Wylie, and now Fort Worth. Their three girls are Emily, Ellen, and Felicia.
Beth has served the Downtown Senior Citizens Center in Garland in early married years; functioned as Program and Youth Director at Wylie United Methodist Church in Wylie for ten years; re-focused her energies as Director of Christian Education at West Plano Presbyterian Church for twelve years; and now has become the Director of Christian Education in Fort Worth since Fall 2005.