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Room in the Inn, Our Ministry with the Homeless

The Room in the Inn program, in support of the homeless,continues its fourth summer session at St.Stephen!

Beginning Tuesday, July 5, and continuing each Tuesday through July and August in the St. Stephen Parish Hall, SSPCers will host between 10 and 15 homeless men. We’ll serve them dinner and breakfast, play board games, talk, pray, and enjoy each other’s company.

Each Tuesday,during the hottest months and coldest months of the year, a dedicated group of volunteers sets up bedding in our Parish Hall for up to 15 homeless men. They are served a nice home-style dinner, along with breakfast on Wednesday morning,  before being transported back to the Day Resource Center.

Care to participate?  Many hearts and hands are needed for this outreach. Can you make beds? Prepare and/or serve meals? Assist with transportation? Enjoy conversation and games with our guests? Stay overnights? Donate toiletries, food, or money? If so, please contact the Church office at 817/927-8411.

Here’s a letter from a “Room In The Inn” guest dated August 17, 2010:

“May God bless you, St. Stephen. We have come as guests and left as friends — thanks for the warm brotherly and sisterly love you have all shown everyone who has come to St. Stephen during these extremely hot & humid summer days.

“We appreciate the time and effort you put into making our time at Room In The Inn a wonderful and joyous experience. I hope you continue to pray for us as we will for you all through both good and bad times. Tell your congregation and pastor we appreciate the church support of this program. May God receive all the praise, glory and honor for his mercy!”

Your friends, Calvin & Co. from Room in the Inn